Quick Update

Our group won 2nd place in DTS. The show altogether was not what we expected. We got a lot of laughs out of being a part of the show. I didn't really meet any people that I wanted to work with. One of the judges I was looking forward to performing for backed out. The show was a mess but I got some money to help out with bills this week. I can't complain.

The AVIATION show was a ridiculous--in a good way--experience. I stayed out later than I expected. So late that in my rush to get home I got pulled over. So much for the money to help out with bills. I now have a reckless driving ticket that will be challenging to afford. We'll see what happens job and money wise.

I can't stand retail. I'm going to quit very soon. A job is a job but I feel like my mind is wasting away and that life is passing me by as I watch the clock. I will endeavor to provide them with $7 an hour worth of work and nothing more. The job will serve its purpose in my life and that is to keep me from settling.

I started my job as a part-time writer. I have many impressions so far but I will hold them in for now. He paid me in cash up front on the first day. I can get used to that.

I got back in touch with the founder of U.N.I. I'm looking forward to getting back in the groove of exercising my marketing skills.

Rich Dad Poor Dad said that the biggest things that keep people poor are fear, cynicism, laziness, habits, and arrogance. I have to erase this voice that tells me I can't do this or I don't have enough money to do such and such. I'll make a way!


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