Made The Cut

Last time I left off saying that I was attending a model call for DC Urban Fashion Week. About 30 models showed up. Let's set the stage for what I was up against. Just listening to conversations a lot of the male models had experience, were taller, and a lot more cut. Whereas I'm 5'9" haven't worked out in months and still perfecting what I know. So as much as I go to these model calls to just be funny I'm still working on telling that voice in my head to go screw itself.

We were each given a number and asked to do a straight runway style walk, which is very simple considering they really could have been cruel and made us do some crazy multi-move walk that was just extra. After going through the walk about 3 times and each time thinking "damn I sucked," we were told that if there was a plus next to our number then we made the cut.

I was number 7 so I go over and look at the paper and there was a plus next to my number. I walk away and look at the paper again. The plus was still there. I walk away and look at the paper again to make sure one final time. I made the cut.

Big up to Team ROE for the model training without which I'd look like a straight clown and for giving me the motivation to pursue things like this. Ever since I got on with the agency, I've been looking for opportunities and have been somewhat successful so far. Of course I'll have to endure the criticism that comes from opportunities that I'm not a fit for but I'm finding my way. It's crazy how something I never gave a what about is actually something that is working out for me.

Lastly, big up to U.N.I Clothing Company for also making the cut as a designer for the show.


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