Look What I Found

I've been slacking on my pimpin as far as this blog goes. I should have instantly blogged about ReadySetDC's fashion:district but there are enough articles for you all to read and see what happened.

Here are my observations: Models spend a lot of time sitting around. That's just the way it is. You do what your told and you stay put until you are told to move.

Maybe it was just me but there was nothing available to consume except booze. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Well in this case it was because I didn't eat anything nor was I trying to spend money.

I had quite a bit of first times. Most of them I will do my best to never repeat unless it's a part of the job. For one, I had to wear Peter Pans or as most would call them skinny jeans. The designer told me that she wouldn't make me do that but her fiance ended up picking the very jeans she told him not to. Even though I felt every seam of fabric squeezing my calves and lower thighs, my kids had enough room to breathe.

It was also my first time . . . I'm too embarassed to talk about that but if you ask me I'll tell you. The ladies like it but outside of work I'd never do that mug on my own. This was my first time around a whole bunch of models, but strikingly I didn't care to get at any of the female models like I thought I would have. Hmmm oh well. It was also my first time with two strikes against me. Not only did I have to walk on a stage in the dark with a whole bunch of cameras flashing at me. Since the designer prefered me without glasses, I was pretty much walking close to blind in the dark. I'm near sighted, so a brotha could not see where the stage ended. I managed to walk in a straight line and stop in time. Plus our team was first and I was the first guy to walk out. Oh the pressure lol.

Big up to Virginia and the rest of the team with de*nada design. The models on our squad were pretty cool and not stuck up like I expected. Here are a few photos I found courtesy of Revamp and The President Wears Prada. I don't particularly like them but the few gigs I've taken somebody always seems to love the photos of me that I hate. It's gotten me work. At least I can use them to get more gigs. Lastly big up to Brandon Bloch for photography and video production. I haven't met him but his work is sick. Lastly, special thanks to Stroga for the bangin' facility.

Here's a video of the show finale as our team walks off.

Don't for get to follow:
me: @jusflashgrdn
ReadySetDC: @readysetdc
de*nada design: denadadesign
Brandon Bloch: Bloch_party


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