Pimp Zone

I love using random images and saying radom things just to throw people off. I guess you can say its my specialty when I'm in the right frame of mind. I spent my night applying to an Academic Counselor position with George Mason and going through my routine of finding modeling gigs on craigslist. As far as the Dream Talent Show I had to cancel practice this week because one of the guys in the band is sick. We had a good rehearsal last week so I'm confident that we can kill it with one more rehearsal.

I got a job in retail. The only thing that I can say is that so far it has proven itself to be another job where no matter how hard you work, you get the same result. I'm keeping hope alive. I'm going on my first full year of living at home and close to 4 months without any consistent type of work. I've never seen my bank account get this low. The unemployment office has yet to schedule my screening interview and I was supposed to recieve my benefits back in August. SMH. It is what it is family.

Aside from all the craziness going on that has me cynical about life, I'm looking forward to fashion:district tomorrow night. I really need to work this opportunity like my life depended on it. I'm trying to get paid yall.


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