Nobody Really Knows

Guess what family? I will be performing at the Dream Talent Show out in Woodbridge, VA on November 6. Here's the story of how that happened.

Since I've become a bit more serious about my singing ability, I'm always looking on craigslist for opportunities. I found one stating that there were auditions to participate in a talent show to win $500 and 2 hours of studio time with A2G Music Studios. I actually worked with the owner on a few tracks. Well, I went out to audition and was a little apprehensive because all I saw were elementary and middle school kids competing. I'm thinking to myself, I do not want to compete against a kid. I just think that is unfair for the judges. Adults have had more time to mold their talent. I got the go head from the staff and they encouraged me to audition anyway.

I chose to perform Everybody Knows by John Legend since I've been practicing it with my vocal coach. The audition went well and I was given a chance to compete in the show. I gave myself goosebumps in those three minutes, which was crazy. Here's a reference of what I plan to do for the actual show:

To prepare for the show, I've assembled a band consisting of an acoustic guitar, bass guitar, and a drummer. We have our first rehearsal as a band next Wednesday. As with anything that requires preparation, you have to be mindful of things going wrong or plans falling through. Well let's just say I have to track down some drums to use the day of the show. I'm shaking my head but I'm still excited.

I never did talent shows in high school or college. I didn't do it in high school because there was no outlet. Our school wasn't about to make a venue for people to get booed. In college, it was more so just a lack of preparation because I could never decide what material to perform.

Well here I am now. I'm more pressed about the free studio time. I've got some reference tracks to pitch and right now it's difficult because I'm low on money to book the studio time. Free studio time would be good. I also got wind of who the judges are so depending on how our group does we may get some opportunities to work on a few projects with the assistance of the judges. I'm excited and I'm ready to leave everything on this stage. I'm definitely not looking to stop my creative work after this show. Wheather our team wins or not, the real work is just beginning.

Look forward to telling you more. BTW I have 10 tickets I'm selling for $10 each. Tickets at the door will be $20, which I think is ridiculous but hey. If you want your ticket get at me soon cuz I know a lot of people.


LaTron B. said…
I really Like this song! Good luck at the show in Woodbridge! New blog btw!
LaTron B. said…
oops... i was trying to type "nice blog btw"
Gordon M. Curry said…
Thanks bro. Welcome to the lounge.

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