I'm Serious

I just leaked this info on twitter but I've got to share the news with my all my people at the Black Tie Lounge. Pretty soon you will be seeing my face all over DC because I've been chosen as a model for a campaign that I'm not even sure if I can talk about.

The shoot is next week, on my birthday actually, so I'll see how this goes. I'm excited and glad to add something to my resume outside of the work I did with a number of initiatives for Virginia Tech. Times have been rough so at the end of the day, I've got to get paid doing something.

Here goes everything!


Alex said…
Get the eff out, dude! That's pretty sick. I should have been taking notes when you showed up to class all slick.
Gordon M. Curry said…
Yeah this mug is crazy. U know what dude? The agency that is doing the shoot is in Adams Morgan off Vernon St. Is that close to where u are?
LiFe UnSpoken said…
HEHE!! YAY!!!I am rolling over here! Can I get your autograph?!?! LMBO!! But for real though, proud of ya!!

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