My Saturday

Yo fam! I did the craziest thing on Saturday. Down on my luck and looking for an alternative to working a 9-5, I auditioned for a modeling agency in DC. Now I don't aspire to be a model. I will say that I'm a good looking dude, at least that's what I hear. I basically did it, in all honesty, to see what would happen. Who knows--if I did get picked I'd get to hang out with beautiful women all day, and who can complain about that.

My only objection to myself was that I'm not tall and that I'm not in the best of shape. To lay at least the latter to rest, I could use the gig as motivation to stay in shape.

So Saturday comes up and I arrive between the audition hours. My clumsy tail trips up the steps. I fill out some paper work and immediately get called in. This is how my audition went. I was supposed to watch one of the guy models walk and then imitate him. I wish dude gave me some kind of cue as to when he'd start strolling. I completely missed it, so me being the crafty improvisor that I am, I pulled together some kind of walk. But I did it with a look on my face like "yo I got this!"

So the director sends me off to learn an 8 count. They pull a random model in to make up an 8 count. So I watch dude do his version of an 8 count and I'm thinking to myself, dang I thought I'd just come in take a couple of pics with my shirt off and be done. I didn't expect to have to do a routine! After about 10 minutes of struggling with it, they call me up. Let's just say I know I messed that mug up. The second time I ran through it, I saw the judges bust out laughing. Maybe they were laughing at me or maybe someone said something funny. Oh well, you got to laugh at yourself sometimes because I sure enough would have went in on anyone that I saw mess up.

I stroll back up with a smile on my face and the director asks me how did I feel. To be honest, I felt fine. She asked if I was nervous. Never once was I nervous. I had my game face on because of all the steps but whatever. So she tells me that they'll call me and I interpret that as "We don't want to tell you how bad you suck to your face, so we'll do it politely through e-mail." I knew good and well I didn't make the cut, but at least I saw what would happen.

Well, let's just say my expectations were greatly put to shame because I got an e-mail from the agency and they told me I made the cut and they are interested in working with me. Here's the headshot!

Fam, I could not stop laughing for like 20 minutes after I read the letter. I re-read the letter and re-read the letter and started laughing some more. I don't know what I'm in for but hey, if I can get paid to look good and take picture, I'm not going to knock it.


LiFe UnSpoken said…
Dude..I seriously was busting up while reading the entire entry! Cause I can so see your facial reaction! LMBO! THATS WATS UP! LMBO!!!! Can I start calling you Pretty Boy? LMBO! You probably giving me serious sideye right now! Proud of ya!
Gordon M. Curry said…
Pretty Boy never. We'll see how this mug goes. First thing I need to discuss at our next training is PAYMENT. I refuse to do be doing this mug just to be doing it. I'll put in the effort but I need to know money and work is involved.

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