Doing The Most

I'll go on and leak out something that may bust whatever image my audience has of me based off this blog. I am super unemployed. Well as of July I have been and my time has just flown by. What is unbelieveable about it is that I'm never home, and when I'm home my time is super occupied. One thing is for sure, I'm not lazy as some may think unemployed people are. It's also getting on my nerves that apparently so many adults suggest I go into a completely different career path. I've managed to confront my entitlement mentaility and humble myself but at some level you have to have to know what and who you are otherwise you'll end up just like every American in a job that they can't stand and can't get out of. We'll not every American.

My point being that I'm not too haughty to start small and I'm not so desperate that I'll do anything. I've managed to walk around with a cynical attitude about work. This year I came to understand that nobody in the world really cares about me except a handful of people. I had a conversation with an older gentleman who is living the retired life basically because his job couldn't afford him, but he was telling me that you can have exactly what a company is looking for but if the people inside feel that you are a threat to them you won't get in. I'm a little, no extremely ticked off because organizations can basically advertise a position, have it open for months with no intention of filling it until a certain individual they already had in mind comes aboard. I'm sick and tired of all these organizations coming to career fairs just to tell you to go online and apply. I want to look them in the eye and say "Hey genius, don't you think I did that already." My conclusion, career fairs are just for kicks for the company so they can say they did outreach.

So what have I been up to for the past two months? Well, I've been reading a whole lot as has become common for me this past year. I do more reading now than in I did in college and I'm actually enjoying it because it's not reading I have to do because someone told me to. Plus I'm not trying to fit it in. Shoot, I have no job, I might as well get smarter in other things. My goal right now is to start a publishing company to support a lot of the songs I've written over the past 10 or so years. I've been pursuing opportunities to get to know independent artists and having a publishing company will at least position me to get paid once the work is done. I'm excited and I'm reading a lot on LLC's and S corporations. So man eff a job, excuse my language but I really just want to work so that I can invest in that. I don't mean eff a job as in I'll be a free spirit forever, but that I'm starting to have different standards as far as what I'm looking for job wise, because I see where I want to go career wise.

U.N.I is going but yet another venture that doesn't pay. Work with the gospel group is going but yet another venture that doesn't pay yet. I believe it will. I believe that God will redeem my time. In the mean time, my savings is running low and I've got to have a plan. Oh catch this, you'd think with my marketing background I could easily work for a cellphone company. I don't have to tell anyone I have a Masters because I did that at another retail place and they gave me the okey doke. So I applied to Sprint. I tailored my resume and took the 145 question quiz and simulation all for them to tell me that my score was not high enough to move on. I answered the quiz as I would have acted in a sales situation, keeping in mind the psychology of people and consumer behavior. Well I wasn't good enough for that so I'm back on the eff the world mode and laughing at myself because I wasted 45 minutes maybe more of my time thinking through that quiz. Sheesh!

I'm tired of people asking me what I'm doing with my life. I'm about to go to a networking reception on Wednesday, which is good. I'll have to get my pitch together as far as what I'll say about myself. I have two days to prepare. We'll see.


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