About Writing

The thing about being a writer is that you always have to have something good to talk about for the sake of your audience. That's a lot of pressure. I'll just amuse you about my weekend that consisted of a trip Charlotte that I almost could not afford, crab legs, a cook out with old friends plus burnt wings and burgers, a discussion about the illuminati, UNC coming close but not close enough to beating LSU, a wedding in ATL that I almost missed because I got lost, and VT disappointing me so much that I can't bear to talk about.

Since this is my blog I'll run down the list. I went to Atlanta this past weekend for a wedding. Now this was a big weekend. Not for him but for the Hokies who were playing Boise State at Fed Ex Field for the opening game on Labor Day. I completely lost track of the dates, so while all the Hokies were heading to DC for Monday night's game, I was heading in the opposite direction to ATL for a Sunday night wedding. I'll go on and add the couple are UVA alumn so the fact that they scheduled their wedding the night before the game seemed a little suspect.

I stopped in Charlotte to visit some other Hokie friends and to break up the drive. That is where I had the crab legs and attended a cook out where my boy managed to darken up the burgers and wings. Seriously, it made no sense how black those chicken wings were. Oh well, I should have stepped in on the grill when I had the chance. Bless his heart. We proceeded to have a conversation about how the world doesn't give an eff about anyone and will find anyway to bury you in debt as the illuminati make more and more money off our demise. Kind of ominous isn't it.

I head to ATL the next morning for the wedding of the UVA couple that had to schedule their wedding on the eve of VT's big day. This was a game that one of my fellow Hokies had dreams about. I'm sure a lot of prayers went forth on the Hokies behalf. I digress. So I leave in just enough time to make it out to the wedding. I'm making good time and I get a txt from a friend taunting me to not be late. I'm making good time, so why would I? Well it just so happened that the very turn that I needed to make, was a sign that was not clearly visible to the human eye--at least it wasn't to me because I missed it. I ended up on some road in ATL that I could have sworn I saw an exit for on my way down. All of this in the midst of my homie's taunting txt messages. He gave me a 4 minute count down and I'm on some sketchy street in the A ticked off at myself because these things just HAVE to happen when I really need to be somewhere. I wasn't trying to be late but er uh. . . it just wasn't my day. Oh well! I got to the wedding just as the bride walked down the aisle. Yeah FAIL on my part. I made up for it by partying the whole night away. Seriously, I partied good that night. So good that I had to abort my original intention to drive back to Charlotte that night. All the Hokies were in DC by then. Luckily I had a friend that was generous enough to let me crash on her couch and slob on her couch pillows. Gotta love it.

I hopped on the road the next morning and booked it from ATL back home to catch every second of the VT/Boise State game, which right now I refuse to talk about because of the outcome. If you want to know what happened, you can google it. Nuff said.


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