The Snuggie Macarena

I'm going to start this post off by saying that the snuggie is proof that stupid people are in power and getting stronger every second. I will not recant my statement for anything, but if you agree with me, in the words of Master P's movie/song "I Got The Hook Up" holler if you hear me. About two years ago, I blogged about the Snuggie Phenomenon. While flipping through the channels I came across the coonery that is the latest snuggie commercial to the tune of The Macarena. SMH. Look America, if you want to walk around your house looking like your from a monastary or some type of cult by all means I won't stop you. Now if you leave the house and go out in public with that mess then you are an equal opportunity candidate to get tazed, pepper sprayed or purposely hit with an object--who knows what you are hiding in that thing. I know negative attention is still attention but I must embed this into my blog so we can agree on how ridiculously. . . ridiculous this is.

I think that is enough of my rant. Please be on the look out for more educational and inspirational posts.


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