So on the relationship tip I was thinking about a few things and I endedup recounting my faith. I find it very interesting that the bible tells a man to love his wife and for a wife to respect her husband. To me it gets at the fact that respect is principle. So I found this poem courtesy of itsnotok.org:
Respect is...
Respect is...listening with out interrupting
Respect is...taking your partner's feelings into consideration
Respect is...keeping an open mind
Respect is...agreeing to disagree
Respect is...trying to understand your partner's viewpoint
Respect is...loving yourself
Respect is...trust and honesty
Respect is...giving each other space
Respect is...nonviolence
Respect is...direct communication
Respect is...building a person up instead of tearing them down
Respect is...friendship
Respect is…not pressuring the other person
I don't think the poem was meant to encompass detail about what respect entails but this is a good start. Any thoughts?
