Hip Hop & Motivation in My Coffee

For the record, I don't drink coffee. It makes your breath stank. Yes, I meant to say stank. I started my week off with a little bit of Hip Hop Harmony at 18th Street Lounge in DC on Sunday night. This was my first visit to that spot and I can say that it is not for everybody, but I was digging the eclectic atmosphere and sheek setting that it offered. I was primarily there because I wanted to check out the indie acts that were performing. Fatso Skinny, who I learned about last week and posted his single on my FB wall, was in the house. Dude is mad versatile. You'll catch the dude spittin' hard one minute and then crooning out smooth vocals the next. He's an all around artist, which I deeply respect. I only caught half of an acapella track that he did. Unfortunately his people dipped before I could cop a disc. Oh well. I'll have to catch dude at his farewell party, which I think is next week. Peep more tracks from him here.
Another emcee that struck me was Hasan Salaam from Jersey City. This cat, Fatso, and the host had the most energy and striking stage presence out of everyone that performed. I notice those type of things because it brings out the performance. Dude went in. Now, I wasn't much into him cussing at the crowd but I can't blame his cockiness in commanding respect from the audience. U can tell an emcee is on point when they can stop the DJ purposely and still spit a flawless flow. I have to emphasize this because the DJ wasn't even paying attention. DJ FAIL, but it was a good show. Peep his video 15 minutes. Tell me if you recognize the sample.
All of this to say that I enjoyed my night. I just realized something this morning. How many of you have seen this post by now?
Upon viewing it, I knew that I met this guy before and now I am certain. It is Eric Thomas who works with as the Advantage Coordinator at Michigan State and is a big advocate in the community for young men. I'm not sure that he is still there at Michigan State. I heard him speak about 2 years ago at the Men of Color Leadership Conference that was held at the University of Indianna back in 2008. Shout out to all the brothers in SAAB that took the trip with me. A little bit about that story: Jeff Johnson was supposed to be on the bill but I they had Eric come out instead, which was not a bad thing. Dude is on fire. Literally! I'm listening to him speak and the only thing I can think about is that this guy has to be a minister. I spoke to him for a bit after his oration and he confirmed that. You can learn more about him on his site theestory.org and you can also peep him on his YouTube channel at Ethehiphoppreacher. I still have his info saved in my phone. I just might reach out to him.
Have a good week everyone. I'll be back sometime at the same place.