Top 3 Funny For the Wrong Reasons

Disclaimer: I realize that freedom of speech has a price. I do not aim to be politically correct, nor does this reflect my lack of cultural sensitivity. I'm just being funny. If you cease to so much as chuckle or crack a smile at any of this then you are more than welcome to sue me, but don't expect much. I am not attempting to be professional because everyone at some time or another deserves to let his or her hair down. These just jokes fam.

Now for me there are somethings that are funny for all the wrong reasons. They generally send a deeper message. No, I take that back. There is always a deeper message behind it. Now that I think about it, it is called satire.

So here is a list of my top 3 videos that are funny for all the wrong reasons. Each of these videos had me cracking up or out right waving my hands because I got it. And each of these videos serve as social commentary for the realty that goes on around us that.

Video #3, I just peeped it this week. Here goes Funny or Die's White Women's Workout.

Number 2, I had the pleasure of seeing this artist perform at Busboy's & Poets last fall. He does a lot of work with the University Project by Words Beats & Life, Inc. in D.C. Here is Read A Book by Bomani Armah. I'm trying to keep this G rated so I used the clean version. I also want to follow up this video with a CNN special that completely bashed the video. Take a look.

Now you could be thinking one of three things about this video. 1)OMG this is pure genius. Why didn't I think of that? I know exactly what he means. You could be thinking: 2) I'm offended. This is the wrong message to send to kids. Or you could be number 3) Any other thought that I did not express.

Remember, this video is satire and is making fun of a culture that would rather watch a video than read a book or take care of their hygiene. This is what a CNN commentator had to say:

Now my number 1 video, I actually do not have a video for but you can catch it on Sundays @ 11:30 on Cartoon Network. Now on it's highly anticipated third season is The Boondocks.

There we go folks. G.Cue's Top 3 videos that are funny for the wrong reasons. If you'd like to have an intelligent conversation about the social, political, and economic parameters of what this portrays I would so aptly engage this discourse. Depending on how I am feeling at the time I might just tell you it's not that serious and gyett ahhtta here. (Yes I meant to spell it like that.)


BusyB said…
ahahahhahah i loved the white womens work out I have seen that before.... it was great : ) and even though its wrong its just plain funny! I love humor those others are funny as well!

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