I'm Teaching Law

Seriously, I'm teaching law for the next two weeks. I took on a gig as a Faculty Advisor for the National Youth Leadership Forum on Law & CSI. My job is to lead about 20-25 students through various discussions on law careers and topics, a mock trial and Supreme Court hearing simulation, and other duties related to these matters. I'm on day 2 and this mug is crazy. I'm up at 7 for morning meetings with 18 other faculty advisors from all over the country, and I'm running all over the place until about 11 p.m., at which time I'm performing security checks.
All I can say is that the schedule is crazy, but I am learning a lot about a career in law. I'm actually glad I got this opportunity because I've been contemplating how I would fit as a lawyer. I'm burnt out on school for now so I'm not looking to jump into the opportunity to pay thousands of dollars of debt just to go through it again. My plan is to pursue music but the legal knowledge will come in handy so I can be knowledgable of how my laywer should advise my business. For that matter, I need to understand the law as it relates to business because I plan to have other businesses and do consulting. I feel like I'm talking out of the side of my neck but as of late I have considered a career in consulting.
When I think about it, I said with my own mouth, I want to be in a position to consult for the type of clients that I like. So that experience will come in handy. We'll see. I'll let you all know how the rest of the week goes and if I have any funny stories about my scholars, who by the way are some really great kids.
Side note, Donnie Klang just walked into the hotel I'm staying at. Nothing special though, just thought I'd announce that.
