New Ventures

Within the past week I took on a few ventures that I definitely believe will be worth my while creatively and professionally. To all my readers: I'm going to talk about what I'm doing without talking about what I'm doing. I'm not sworn to confidentiality, but there are some things in the works and that will launch both prior to and during the month of May that are really going to help my clients get their products and services off the ground.

I took on a client that is raising money for a non-profit organization in Ghana. Ladies what is the fuss about Zumba? For this venture, I'm taking the time to learn it.

I agreed to be a part of a team for a fashion client that I've been with since he decided to come off the ground. Let's just say that my experience in radio may come in handy with one of the first projects we will do.

All I can say is that I'm excited about the creativity I've been surrounded by as of late. I'm ready grind and help some dreams come true. You'll hear about the progress and outcome soon.


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