Here It Goes

I've been holding out on blogging for awhile. In my last few posts I said that April 10 was a special day and it was supposed to be. Here is the scoop: After a four-year hiatus from recording music I made up in my mind that I was going to take my musical craft more seriously. Not too many people know about me as a songwriter and vocalist. Since it's so close to me I don't talk about it too much on the blog tip unless I'm doing something for another person. Either way I decided that I was going to push myself by committing to my vocal training and take the risk to work with people that I have never worked with in ordet to discover different sides of what I can do.
I decided this back in January since I've had a lot of time on my hands with my current job. I connected with a producer/engineer back in February and it wasn't until April that we finally got on the same page to schedule a recording session. I had to practice and he had something going on. Awesome dude and very talented! April 10 was the date. We had to move that date to the 12, which was my original back up date. I was sooooo ready and guess what happened that day? I got sick.
I went on vocal rest for that week. Now here I am trying to build myself back to finally implement my ideas for next Monday. Ahhh this whole singing and writing thing has been a process. It looks like an effortless process but to go from being able to kill one song to being able to kill a while hour or 2 hour long performance, or to be able to grind out a 5 hour studio session demands a lot from you mentally and physically. You see how much you really love to create when you have to grind it out or it looks like all your grinding is going nowhere.
Like I've said in many a statuses via twitter and facebook, I'm committed to the process. You'll hear more about this and you'll hear more about my ventures.