
Showing posts from April, 2010

When I Think

I haven't been keeping up with the NBA Play Offs. I have not really paid attention to the news or what is going on in the world around me, which is a problem because when I don't, I tend to turn inward and become very selfish. A few months back, a friend told me that I've been very positive on my blog, considering I'm still waiting and searching for a better opportunity. Man I'm tired. I've never been so tired in my life. Allow me to recant that statement. I've never been this tired in my life and chose not to do anything. Normally, I push through the pressure and do what is needed, but I have gotten so many things put before me where I just can't bring myself to do them if I do not want to. I know that's life and I'm not immune to hard work, but I'm in a place where I'm really trying to get back to what I enjoy. Too bad what I enjoy does not pay the bills just yet. I'm tired as hell yall. Something's gotta change.

Just Got Put On

While looking around on various social media outlets this weekend, I came across two artists that I'm geekin' over. The first is a gospel artist from VA by the name of Gavin Davis . He's a pretty sick vocalist and I like his writing style because it's hard to find gospel artists that aren't. . . how do you say..TYPICAL! Listening to the production and writing on his debut single I'll Be Your Minister was what originally made me want to listen to more. Check out his song That Was Enough . I heard it on his myspace and fell in love with the production and the writing. Then there is the world reknown RH Factor, who I'm just finding out about today. Here is the long story about how I found them out. I wanted to see if either Ivan Barias or Carvin Haggins from Karma Productions had any videos I could subscribe to. That is when I came across a video of Carvin Haggins in the studio with Jean Baylor , the light skinned chick that was in the singing duo Zhane. Afte...

New Ventures

Within the past week I took on a few ventures that I definitely believe will be worth my while creatively and professionally. To all my readers: I'm going to talk about what I'm doing without talking about what I'm doing. I'm not sworn to confidentiality, but there are some things in the works and that will launch both prior to and during the month of May that are really going to help my clients get their products and services off the ground. I took on a client that is raising money for a non-profit organization in Ghana. Ladies what is the fuss about Zumba? For this venture, I'm taking the time to learn it. I agreed to be a part of a team for a fashion client that I've been with since he decided to come off the ground. Let's just say that my experience in radio may come in handy with one of the first projects we will do. All I can say is that I'm excited about the creativity I've been surrounded by as of late. I'm ready grind and help some dream...

Here It Goes

I've been holding out on blogging for awhile. In my last few posts I said that April 10 was a special day and it was supposed to be. Here is the scoop: After a four-year hiatus from recording music I made up in my mind that I was going to take my musical craft more seriously. Not too many people know about me as a songwriter and vocalist. Since it's so close to me I don't talk about it too much on the blog tip unless I'm doing something for another person. Either way I decided that I was going to push myself by committing to my vocal training and take the risk to work with people that I have never worked with in ordet to discover different sides of what I can do. I decided this back in January since I've had a lot of time on my hands with my current job. I connected with a producer/engineer back in February and it wasn't until April that we finally got on the same page to schedule a recording session. I had to practice and he had something going on. Awesome dude...


A paper that I contributed to was accepted to be presented at the National Communication Association's annual conference with the prospect of being published. The topic was on the Black Church as a model for public relations practice. Here's the catch, I built the foundation for the paper but decided to hand over the topic to be modified by my former advisor. He was really excited about the paper I wrote while in graduate school and suggested that I take the topic further and submit it for publishing. I was gung ho about it at first but within months after graduating I realized that I had zero desire to even put the energy into continuing the paper to fit the feedback from the review committee. I went ahead and let my former advisor take the reigns and do to it what he wants. I have since focused on other writing projects. As much as I am committed to being a life long learner, knowing myself and how much I do not miss graduate school, I thought it would be best to invest time...