Welcome 2010

I could have partied for New Year's Eve. I could have spent it in a big city and made it an unforgettable experience, but unforgettable experiences can take place even in the quietest of atmospheres. What I mean is that the best experiences happen when you are with people who are good to you and for you. Opting for that over acting out like I never acted before, I decided to head to my old stomping grounds in ROANOKE,VA!!

My NYE was unforgettable but one of those experiences that are unforgettable for all the wrong reasons. Either way I got to spend time with some people that I grew close with over the years. When I took on the summer job in New York, I never really got to say good bye. It was one of those things where I had to up and leave because of timing.

So 2010 is here and I'm excited because I feel more freer than before. The down time witout a job has allowed me to get more in tune with what I want out of life. I don't just want a job I want to make a significant contribution and do my own marketing consulting down the road.

I heard back from the job with DCPS and I have to complete a 500 word essay on why I should get the job. It is due by Monday. I feel really good about this one.

Happy New Year


Snickers said…
I completely agree. My NYE was unforgettable, but not in the party/crazy sense. In the being surrounded by people I love sense. :) Thanks for sharing!
Gordon M. Curry said…
I try to make it a habit to respond to my commentors. Rarely do I go back through my blog though. Good luck this year.

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