Beautiful Letdown

Another day and another move. I touched base with the PR firm I interviewed with earlier last month to find out that I'm not a fit. This means that I'll be home for a little bit longer than I thought. This also means that I won't be in the city as soon as I expected. A little heated about that but it is what it is.

I took a moment then I bounced back. Lucky for me, I'm finding more openings at agencies that weren't hiring previously. I've committed myself to keeping up with the Account Activity section in Adweek. Looks like some agencies I've become familiar with are about to win some accoutns that I wouldn't mind working with. This is nice. To my credit, I get some more time to put things in order where I am.

I've gotten a few offers to do some grant research, so that is exciting. I took a job with a youth center--one I previously worked for. I'm not exactly thrilled about it but at least my mentoring, project management, and creative skills will be kept active for the time being.

My God I'm so ADD. I almost went nuts trying to sit through a 4-hour training seminar. Honestly, I can read slides off a page myself. WHY? Dear God I just want a job that is fun. So now back to doing what I gotta do to get where I want to get. Looks like I'll be spending more time getting to know the D.C. area. While driving home from the training session I took another moment frustrated that this job isn't what I really want in the long run.

What do you do when your itching to be somewhere else but you are where you are and there seems to be no way out? Bilal is playing at the Black Cat on Friday and Raphael Saadiq will be at the 930 club on Monday night. Thank God for the creative energy. I'll get from those performances to keep my eyes on the prize. Hopefully I'll connect with some interesting people in the mean time.

G.cue signing off.


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