Heightened Expectations

I just knew that I would not like Weber or KTG. Even though I could have called off both interviews and stayed in bed all day, I got up early Wednesday morning and hopped on the Megabus to NYC. (With Megabus you can travel from DC to NY and back for under $30).

Turns out the opening with Weber is in a practice area that I would love. I may even get placed with a client that I have experience working with. That definitely changed my perspective about it. KTG is really popular for it's work with Wendy's, Afflac, and Trojan. It's a smaller agency and will afford me the opportunity to gain tremendous amounts of exposure in terms of account leadership. Now I don't know what I really want. Both offers pay the same and there is no guarantee that the DC job will work on my watch. I called my former advisor to see what he thought and he said, "You have some pretty good problems on your hands."

I got snowed in for the majority of the weekend. While listening to One Republic and catching snippets of the Philadelphia v San Francisco game, I read a few articles in the Washington Post. One about a traditional black church that performed the first same-sex marriage and another on the economic benefit of gay marriage in DC. I will never understand why same-sex marriage is a political issue. When it comes down to it, I believe that this is only a topic of political discussion because of the economic benefit it provides for its supporters. Think about it.

In other news, I have yet to start my part-time job at the youth center. I can't begin until I get my health card. Mind you it's been 3 weeks since I had my initial training. Just when I thought I had all my shots done and all my medical tests done, the doctors told me they ran the wrong test on my blood and that I had to get more blood drawn and take another shot. I already had three shots taken, now you all want to make it five. Not a good look.

This is pretty good considering the last time I had blood drawn at this office the doctor all out missed my vein, bursts out laughing saying that he missed the vein, then proceeds to prick me with the needle again. So not a good look. I've got to go in tommorrow then wait 5 days for them to test my blood. Then maybe, just maybe I can start work. I may be in New York by then.


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