
The new Ryan Leslie, a.k.a R. Lez, album entitled Transition was released in stores yesterday. To make a long story short, R.Lez is one artist that embodies ambition combined with faith and a relentless belief in a dream. I see myself in this guy because I am at a point in my life where I have nothing but my dreams to fall back on, and my ambition to drive me. The name of the album speaks to me because that is where I am. I'm no longer in school. I'm no longer supposed to be dependent on my family to help me succeed. I have me, my faith and my dreams. Here I come.
I came back to New York yesterday and went in to complete a writing test for an agency that I really dig. Too bad I spent 5 hours on the test and didn't finish. I do what I always do when it comes to writing under pressure: I spend more time thinking and framing things than I do actually writing. Still, I walked away with a confidence that I can't really explain. I believe this is my opportunity, and I'm going to stick to my gunz unless I'm told other wise.
My homebody hit me up asking me why he wanted to be an art director again. After so many months of looking for work it gets frustrating. You try so hard to get in the door just to find that door you worked hard to knock down doesn't have any opportunity for you. Or, the opportunity that they do offer is such a stretch from your originial intention that you're better off not wasting your time. Still you would like a pay check or something. So he hit me up asking me to remind him why he was pushing so hard. I mustered up enough encouraging words to help him snap back into it.
All of this to say is that I'm holding on to my dream and encouraging everyone else to hold onto theirs. Ya feel me?