Another Month Goes By

Hey family! I'm only writing because I know some of you follow the blog and I want to stay faithful to you. October is over. Let's see I turned 25 and I went back to the city for 3 interviews and tommorrow I go back for a second interview with one of the companies I interviewed with the week prior.

Turning 25: All I can say is that I thought I'd be farther but I can't believe I've done all I have. I didn't see myself with a Masters a few years ago. I never knew God would bring me to The Bahamas--twice at that. I didn't think I'd meet the people I have. I never thought I'd grow close to the people I'm close to. I didn't think I'd be able to do a lot of the things I have done. I'm proud of myself. Now it's time to get hungrier and more driven by the zeal of the Lord and not my workaholism lol. Looking onward, I don't want my full-time job to be my only source--if you know what I'm saying. I want to pursue opportunities to build others' business and invest in the community around me. I want to travel, learn a new language fluently and just grow as a man.

Back to New York: The highlight of my life so far is that I had 3 interviews with companies that I really wanted to connect with. They all went wonderful. My challenge right now is understanding what salary I should shoot for. I'm in the largest market in the U.S., in an industry that is 150% driven by hungry people that would kill for an opportunity to get their foot in the door. The competition is younger, smarter, creative and resourceful. Whereas a college graduate will settle for under $28,000 in NYC, I'm a Masters student that wants a deeper investment to match the investment I made. What do I choose?

Love: Ladies do you expect a man to be perfect in order for him to be with you? Now really does anyone really want someone PERFECT? Absolutely not! I don't want to be a good man. I've settled on striving to being THE man. (How ya luv that!) Hang ups and all I'm learning to love in a way that looks beyond a person's faults. Let's love people for who they are and not only the parts we like. I'm preaching to myself. Even still I can't deny that the new Mario track was bumping loud in my head one night for a particular reason. WHY?? It's personal.

Jay-Z: I'm really feeling the album especially Empire State of mind minus the apparent blasphemous references. "If Jesus pays Lebron then I pay D.Wade" references to the irrelevance of the church. I can't really get with that but HOV your track "So Ambitious" is telling my story right now. "The motivation for me was them telling me what I wouldn't be"
I'm also definitely a fan of "Young Forever" and "A Star Is Born." I'd say check it out on Imeem and read the lyrics on before you cop it; that is if you are like me.


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