An Aspiring Sponge

I say I'm an aspiring sponge because there is so much more I can learn to soak up. I have been out of New York for about three weeks and if anything I am more knowledgeable about what is out there in terms of opportunities in the marketing communications field. My first choice is to get aboard with an agency but if I find an opportunity elsewhere I will do that.

I have an interview back in New York on Thursday that I am preparing for. In preparation for it I read a chapter out of the Nature of Marketing by Chuck Brymer. I totally agree with his point that marketing now is about engaging communities. I think PR pros always knew that people create communities around issues rather than brands so to all my advertising buddies out there we need to take a deeper look at individual and community relationships in our strategies. Until I get to meet Chuck Brymer and have a conversation with him, I'll settle for reading his book. Since I'm on a budget, I was hoping to drop by the local Borders and read it there but it seems as though it is not in stock.

Looking for a job is hard work but it is encouraging to meet so many people that are settled in their careers that are willing to give me advice. Maybe I'm stupid but my first question isn't if they are hiring. Instead it is geared more toward how I think I'll fit in. Taking an advertising internship has only fueled my ambition to be in a position to understand career paths for both advertising and PR. For each company I switch the way I position myself. I feel a bit shifty but I my dream is to be in a position to leverage my experiences as strengths.

In other news, I have more time to focus on my freelance client. I've been offering writing support for a church planting organization in PA that focuses on rescuing displaced refugees in Congo as a result of the mass killings taking place. It is pretty deep stuff but it is helping me become aware of things beyond the employment crisis in the U.S.

Last night I got together with some high school friends, one of which is DJ 2 much of Fredericksburg's 99.3 The Vibe, and we talked about starting a series of events geared toward young professionals. I'm really burning to start an open mic forum in the area as well as monthly poetry slam series. I really miss NYC but I figure I can use my time to do creative things in the area while I'm here.

Good news, I have two conference calls tommorrow with HR reps. I better get back to my research.


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