Two Month Anniversary

Well New York, tt's been a rocky one but we've made it to two months. Already I see that you are trying to get rid of me, but I'll be faithful and love you because I know I was meant to be here. All the afternoons in the parks, late nights walking from midtown to the bus, all the millions of people that have a part with you I'm gonna stay true. I'm gonna stick this out with you. We'll see where I am by the end of the month.

The internship has ended and I've had a lot of time on my hands. Last week I took a lot of down time and got a lot of rest, which was good. I was going to head to Boston to get away for a bit. After some serious encouragement from a person that I consider my professional mentor, I sense that there is a greater ray of hope for me in the job market here than I once did.

I want to take the time to thank Bill Heyman and his team at Heyman Associates for spoiling me to death. They put me up in a corner office with a great view of the Empire State Building so that I can spend the day applying to jobs. I have to say one thing, "Doug I'm in your office!" I'm hitting the grind and really figuring out what agencies attract me and being honest about those that don't. So ready or not here goes nothing.


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