Right Place Right Time

I get so easily distracted. I'm trying my best to think clearly while there is a conversation being had outside the office I'm occupying. Yeah, I can close the door, but I think I'm going to fight through this one.

Last night I was privileged to attend a meet and greet for Council Woman Inez Dickens at a investment banker friend I made out here in Harlem. Ms. Dickens is running for her second term and used the time to encourage about about 20 middle class black professionals in their mid 20's to 30's to get involved. The key take away for the evening was that I need to get involved and gain an understanding of how public affairs works in my community. Her charge was that there is no economic advancement without political advancement, which I agree with. She encouraged us not to forget about the underclass. Strickingly, the face of the black population is consistently characterized by those in poverty or fall into anti-social behavior while the black people that work hard to make things happen for their families and communities are left behind the scenes. Her charge was that although we can't eliminate crime we can offer an alternative by volunteering, which I agree.

Although I'm intensly pursuing a career in advertising, which is definitely not a 9-5, I'm finding that my job is not my full identity. Even still, I wonder how I am going to be able to do it all. Every new phase of life brings something new on my plate and I wonder how I will accomplish it all. I'm in the city with a very small network, but I can't forget that there are people in this city that I will come across to help me reach my goals.

Ms. Dickens also admonished us by saying that the goals we have to own property, to be in leadership, to help our communities prosper should never be taken on as a one man show. We must partner with others to accomplish our visions. I think in all my studying and single handed work has caused me forget those that walked with me. Even in advertising, as I build my network and find people I can trust, I can't forget that I should not try to take on the field like Eddie Murphy in the Nutty Professor playing every role.]

Even if the meet and greet was only purposed to inspire me where I am I definitely feel like I'm in the right place at the right time. Now back on the job hunt!


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