Can You Give A Little

My blogs are getting further and further apart. I attribute to the fact that work life has taken off considerably. I am in my last week as an intern with McCann and I do not know if I have a job just yet. Don't worry, I had an interview with one of the account teams so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I know that the team has other candidates and I hope I fit the bill. I really do otherwise I'll have to get very creative with the year lease that I'm about to sign.

Coming to New York was definitely a gamble but now that I'm here, I'd like to stay. So the real reason I've come to spread my opinion. Have you ever worked in a group with someone that is so serious about getting their way? The type of person that just won't relent and for some reason because they are so LOUD their opinions now all of a sudden seems to weigh more than the majority. Have you ever worked on a team in which someone just disagreed with everything everyone else did? It's like they look for things to point out. I'm all for perfection, especially things you turn into the client, but someone that doesn't like anything except for what they bring to the table is ridiculous.

Then there is the personality that wants everything they are involved with be your priority. They rush the hell outta you on things you have to do for them as though what they have going on is the only thing going in your world. EHHH! I swear, never in my life have I ever worked with a group like this. And the funny thing is, is that these are all interns. I have never been through so much fighting, arguing, or meetings wasted because someone doesn't like the way a sentence is structured. Are you kidding me? I've never seen so much back and forth between people because others change the work you labor over have based on their opinion.

I've never seen so many people willing to waste so much time in meetings scheduled to practice our presentation all because they are so adamant about their ideas and adamant about what they don't like. It's not that serious people!!! I have other projects to get cracking on. Can we just take a VOTE?

I'm venting and I've had my time to present this to qualified people but if you are reading this please don't let any of these personalities be you. I've never been in a group where so many people talked bad about each other. But I'll let you know, none of these students have talked to me like they lost their mind.

I get respect and if I'm wrong I admit it. If I made a mistake I admit it and I can laugh at it. It has been a challenge for me, "Mr. Get Along with everyone," to confront the times that I just don't have the bandwith to do what my team is asking and I'm upfront about it. I've had to disappoint quite a few people in this group but I was upfront and honest.

It really makes me think, am I that bad with my time management that I don't have time to devote to this project. Or could it be that other must not have much else going on that they can devote work hours to the project. I've had to do alot of things from home, on the weekends because my account team--the team that I am getting my professional experience from-- has had me on go since the day I been here. Sheesh.

We present our project tommorrow and already I'm so done. It takes so much energy and now I hate the project because of it. The moral of this story is to learn to work with others. Learn to let your ideas go. Learn to accept criticism. Learn that sometimes we agree to disagree, let's vote and move on. Learn to trust your group members. No one likes micro management and no one likes to be rushed , especially when you tell me two hours before you want it. (It's an intern project, I have client work that is more pressing than this)

I'll let you all know how it went.


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