The WOW Factor

My blog looks a little different now. I wanted to use a new template but that template turned out to be bogus. I switched back to my old template but I deleted all my widgets. Now you are stuck with a blog that is just plain text on a black background. It will have to do for now until I feel like changing it.

After sitting around most of the day watching work out videos and not really working out to them, I headed out to 12 Ave to see the fire works. I'm still new to NYC but I guess the tradition is to watch fire works over the Hudson River. Going out there reminded me of how crowded things were in when I was in D.C. for the Inauguration. (I think I spelled that wrong, but hey!) I forgot all about the crowd so I was not mentally prepared to be there. Still, my friends and I were able to move our way to a decent spot to view the show. I'll upload the video shortly for your viewing pleasure. While I was out there watching the colorful explosion and plethora of shapes created by the minds that put this together, I began to think of how people love to be entertained. This is a common fact, but I began to think about how simple fire works are. Put some loud colorful shapes in the sky and people go crazy. The brighter and the louder, the better. Why is this?

As someone who works in an industry that strives to be the most creative and the most eye catching, it was very significant for me to think about how it doesn't take much for people to pay attention to something. In my thinking, maybe I'm making it out to be more simple than it really is. Even still, I think marketers make people out to be more complicated than they need to be. People latch onto the familiar. People love tradition. They like a show but they will only go to those shows that they know will fulfill their expectations. Why do we only give certain musical acts a chance. I could be completely talking out the side of my neck, but right now I'm inspired to stop coming up with new ideas and use what I know to reach people where they are.

Is our concept of out the box really that out the box. Look at fashion. How many styles that are popular now existed at another time in history. How much do they draw upon history to sell style. Observing people as I ride the subway and walk the streets I'd say we are in an era of fashion that is a return of the 80's. Then we come to sports. How excited do we get with that. We aren't looking for something new. We just want our team to do what they do that makes us love them the way we do. Yeah we want our players to perform better and be sharper but how many of us really want our players doing cartwheels as they run the ball. Naw clown! Run the ball make the touchdown then do a cartwheel.

Sometimes the wow factor is in the fact that our expectations were met in a brand or service.


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