Old Friends

Today I spent the day with a good friend from high school. Actually I had a crush on her back in the day. Take a look at her and you will definitely be able to tell why, but that's not the point I'm trying to make.

My sister who just graduated from high school told me that she heard that your high school years are supposed to be the best years of your life. I was definitely there to disappoint her. Lol. I let her know, not in these exact words but, high school is the best years of your life for those that don't grow. Life goes so much further than the ages of 15-18 and if those are your best years, then that is very sad.

On another hand, I look back at my high school days and I have grown tremendously since then. I'm not exactly the same person, but I'm thankful for the friends, the true friends that grew up with me after that time. So back to my story of my former crush in high school, the fact that we can still get together after some odd years and clown like we used to, is crazy to me. This is something that I don't have with a lot of people.

I have many friends that go off to college, discover themselves and for whatever circumstance have to separate themselves from those that were once close. I completely understand that. When it comes down to growth and being who you are supposed to be, you've gotta look out for number one. But I can't say the same for me. No, I'm not best friends with everyone I knew in high school, but I'm thankful for the cats and the sisters that knew me back then and still kept in touch. with through the years.

Two of my boys are DJ's hosting a lot of events and staring on the radio. I'm glad that we still clown like always. One of my best friends got married two years ago and I was in her wedding. Out of all the weddings I've been in, it really touched my heart to be a part of that one because this was my homie since middle school. She and her husband had their first child. Against all odds, there is now a healthy baby on this earth. One of my friends, although she is a UVA alumn--I won't hold it against her--is about to make some serious moves in her law career. One of my boys is having his first child. One of my close female friends just bought a house. Another is about to buy a house. Some of my other female friends are with great guys that fit in well in the pack. I'm so happy to know them and be connected. One of my boys--he doesn't know it yet, or maybe he does---is called into the ministry. None of these people I went to college with. I say that because I've built some solid, life changing relationships in school, both in undergrad and graduate school. To still be connected like family to the few key people from high school is something that I am deeply thankful for.

I look around and it is good to have people that know me. Like really really know me and all the layers that make up that smooth cat that you all know as Gordon M. Curry. Lol. I just thought I'd reflect on that and send a shout out to the goof troop. I miss you all and we will get together soon.


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