The Challenge of Account Work

Advertising!! I definitely did not set out on a path to go into this field. Now that I'm here, I want to get all I can. The agency is treating me well, but today I reached my point of being challenged. Yes, the working under the pressure of deadlines is rough--especially when you find out 30 minutes before the supervisor wants it. Doing research just to come up with two items isn't all that great too. What keeps me here? Well, seeing as how it's only been dang one month, I have a lot to learn.

So today, I vented to a fellow intern about how you spend time doing things just to get a recommendation to go into a different direction. I had to disappoint my supervisor when I could only find a few items online when I know there were more. Long story short I hit my few walls where I felt like I was screwing things up. I'm sure there will be more, a lot more. Most of all, I went into this opportunity keeping in mind that I'd screw up. That I'd get yelled at. That I'd have to come up with solutions when I failed. So I believe that today, my test of internal resiliency came.

So rule # 2 in 7 habits of highly effective people is to begin with the end in mind. I feel that. I think I forgot about that. I'm in this field because I want to be a jack of all trades, I want to consult, and I want to meet people. I definitely lost sight of those so tommorrow its time to go back with a new attitude.

Good news!! I'm interviewing with another company on Friday. That is one down. I'm really believing that I'll get a full time offer somewhere at the end of this.


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