10 minutes of distraction

After about 10 minutes of looking at other blogs and listening to Floetry's demo of Butterlies, made famous by the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson. On that note, I'm blown by his death but I got a bit cynical because it was like people were idolizing him. He revolutionized the music industry and helped make it possible for so many artist, which I respect. I just got a lil uneasy because his death made me think of how people are so star focused. People fall out on the floor for celebrities but forget what really matters is eternity. We're quick to respect the gift of life when someone dies but not on a day to day basis. I had to fall back when I found out that he accepted Christ.

Moving forward, I've lived in NYC for a total of 3 weeks. A little less if you count the fact that my past two weekends were spent moving out of my apartment in VA. I'm still eating on a budget. Fruit stands on the corner are the best thing that has happened to me in this city. Strawberries for $2, blueberries for $1, and 3 peaches for $1. They keep me stacked for the week.

A cat I met on the bus to NYC gave me some advice. He said that there are 4 things that you can't go without in this city: a cellphone, a metro card, a roof over your head, and . . . . skeet maybe it was 3 but I'm sure it was 4. Pretty much his point to me was that all other things you can get worked out for you. Events: get to know people and they will get you in for free. Restaurants: you can dine at some pretty decent places at reasonable prices if you know where to go. Internet: you can get in any major park or library. We had a good conversation. I'm surprised at how people up here actually are willing to look out for you if you.

What else do I want to tell you about my time in the city. Nothing really. I'm making it work. There is so much I have to do. I don't want to do like I did before and always talk about what I'm going to do because the next thing I know, the time I need to do all the things I was talking about doing has come. Maybe that makes sense to you.

In the mean time I'm headed to Afro Punk Festival. This'll be the first 4th of July I'm not with family but I'll be fine. So yeah. Catch me when you can.


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