The World of Advertising Awaits

If you read my blogpost economy schmonomy, you know how I feel about this recession. Businesses are still making money. People are being even more creative. Good things are happening for those who work hard.

I'm doing a bit of back tracking since a lot has taken place with me since I graduated and even before I graduated. Since we are on the subject, two days before I crossed the stage, I got a call from an ad agency that I had made contact with through the American Advertising Federation's (AAF) MOSAIC Career Fair. One of the HR reps asked if I was interested in working with them this summer. Now I did not apply directly to this program. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. I say this to reiterate that even in the midst of the economy some people are still making moves. Opportunity is available for those willing to get to know those that can make it happen.

In no way do I attribute this to my personal swagger or anything special that I have done. Still, it definitely feels good to know that I am a person others want on their team. What is even crazier is that for the few years, I limited my career options to just public relations. I did not get the a-ha moment until I did a job shadow with Arnold Worldwide last December. For some reason I could not get it out of my head how much I enjoyed the atmosphere. From there I was motivated to look at the American Association of Advertising Agencies and AAF to learn about how and where I would fit. From what I learned, I really saw that my ability to work with different types of people at once was compatible with account management. Since then, I kept advertising as a career option.

I didn't think things would move this fast for me, but here I am on my way to the big city. I'm ready to work even harder than I did in graduate school or any other job. I'm willing to push myself creatively and mentally to come up with solutions and not point the finger. I'm ready to handle conflict if it were to ever arise and be the best to do whatever it takes.

For one week my facebook status said something along the lines as "rejection is the greatest thing that ever happened to me." I think some people thought my feelings had been hurt, but I was really looking back on all the resumes filed and essays written that worked out to no avail. To learn about an opportunity two days before I graduate was awesome to me. My blog is going to take on a new face now that I will be on an even greater adventure in my professional, personal, spiritual, and relational life. Here goes. The world of advertising awaits and I'm open for the opportunity. I'm most certain that I'll shine.


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