Twitter Bug

I think I caught it: the twitter bug. At first I thought it was pointless. As I began to look for people to follow, I remembered my ambitions to help promote my colleagues fashion line. I started to search for famous brands and stores. If I can't come up with ideas I can at least use best practices to see what they are doing online. I have to do more of a comprehensive search for fashion products. I did not find many hip hop fashion lines on Twitter so there may be an opportunity for promotion there. We shall see.

I just did a content analysis or what the average person would refer to as surfing the Web to learn more about Burson-Marsteller. I met one of their practitioners last summer and she put me in touch with the head of HR at their Chicago office. I applied to the internship so we will see what happens.

One thing I was thinking about: I don't know how long I want to go without benefits. I'd love to work with Ruder Finn because they seem to have a first class training program, but that is 5 months in NYC without any type of benefits! I don't know how much I'm feeling that. BM has a good PR internship. They were recommended by PRSSA and they also have the BM University which makes me very excited that they take a strategic and intentional approach to development.

Looking at myself, I'm still a bit concerned that I don't know enough about any practice area to be seen as an asset. I spend most of my time reading research articles that to read on a regular basis is challenging. I've been known to adjust when it comes to my job. So my reading habits now really fuel what I'll be able to do on the job. One of my friends told me she drinks a glass of wine before she writes any statement about herself. This helps her to keep from taking herself so seriously. I believe that i take myself seriously too often, especially in professional settings. I tend to adopt the tone of those that I am with.

I'm saying all of this because this Thursday is MOSAIC, a career fair for those seeking entry level positions in advertising. Burson-Marsteller and Weber Shandwick are going to be present, so I'm excited to connect with others form those agencies. We shall see. I'm sure I'll blog about other things in the mean time.


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