A story to remember

A story about my scholarship award and internship was published to the VT Comm website. I don't know why I did not think of posting this to my blog. Here goes!! In other news this is not the first time that I was in the paper. An article was written about me in the Bahamas Journal. As soon as I got to Nassau last summer, people said they read an article about me and knew who I was. It was not until later that day that my supervisor showed me the article. Even crazier: some guy on facebook that worked at a magazine in NYC said he recognized my face. New York is the largest U.S. market for travelers to the Bahamas, so it made sense that he saw an article on me.
Pretty soon the VT Home page will cover a story on Each One Reach One, a mentorship program at VT. Guess who happened to respond to the inquiry and be the subject at the photo shoo?

You guessed it, but by no means was I doing this to shine. My e-mail box got flooded from messages from the leaders of EORO asking for people to help out with the story. I provided a few quotes and guess what I got locked in. Let me get back to my original point, or at least the point I wanted to make before I went off about my photo ops. I have more people publishing stories on me than stories that I write that get published. I'm a PR person this is a little backwards don't you think. I can't complain!!


Anonymous said…
Hell yeah, man. That'll be good if people google you from job applications too.

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