Closer and Closer

I'm closer and closer to graduation. Closer and closer to a full time job. Closer and closer to deadlines. One in particular is in two soon to be one day from now. I'm applying to Ruder Finn's Executive Training Program. I'm a little nervous about being another intern and in NYC at that. Dear readers if any of you know someone that has a cheap room to rent that is a decent living arrangement, please talk to me. I'm not only applying to Ruder Finn but Weber Shandwick and Golin Harris' summer program as well. All those applications are due by Friday. It is funny how ideas do not come to me until hours before they are due. I'm not a procrastinator but it seems like I have to work extra hard if I start really early. I don't know what it is.

To my future agency employers, please don't hold this against me. I get things done and I perform under pressure. I had to lay down Ogilvy's internship program because of time. I'm no where close to finishing those writing tests. I'll keep it moving though. Why Ruder Finn you ask? Well I met one of the VPs of a practice area last summer. She stayed in touch. The agency seems really cool and I'm excited to work on the travel side of things. Weber Shandwick, the same way. I worked for one of their clients and think I'll have a good chance of getting into their business. We will see.

Wish me luck.


Recarda said…
Hey- sounds like we are in the same boat. I ran over to Ruder Finn today to submit my work. I am extremely nervous, but you seem to have a pretty good perspective of the field. I mean, I want to do PR, and I am more than positive that I have the attitude and willpower to do it, but sometimes I feel like I don’t know enough. For example, when I was pondering over why I am interested in the field- I honestly got stuck and could only think of 3 reasons. The first of course is financial stability, the second- opportunity to grow in more than one area, and third I want to travel-and meet an array of people. I suppose other aspects I enjoy about the field would be that it allows one to work with others, and as much as I like doing things on my own, I enjoy working with others; bouncing ideas off of one another just to get to the bottom-line, and planning events. Other than these reasons I couldn’t think of anything else. My school sucks and I have learned absolutely nothing while here for the past two years. All the knowledge I acquired about PR is basically from my previous school, LIU and my internship. Well, I don’t want to get into the sad details of my academic life, but I read most of your postings, and I am very much inspired by your confidence- and though you sometimes show skepticism, you seem pretty composed and ready.

Good Luck to you- Hope and pray that we both get in:)
Growth Of Heart
Gordon M. Curry said…
Hey!! Thanks for the encouragement. Don't get discouraged, I'm you will probably never know all there is to PR without experiencing it or learning from others. There is literally so much you can do in PR that it is hard to contain the field in a few sentences, ya know. What I find is that most agencies want to see someone who is willing to learn and have a good attitude. Nice to know someone actually reads my nonsense rambling. Good luck with everything. Are you applying to any other internships. Ketchum has some openings for the summer the deadline isn't until Feb 28. They an office in NYC too.
Recarda said…
O really?? I thought Ketchum only offered internships for undergrads, and I am graduating this May. I really want to get into Ruder Finn, I have been planning to apply for over a year now so I am really hoping I get in. I am also going to a career forum being held by the PRSA -NY Chapter in April just to see if anything good comeS up. I am trying to do as much as I can so I can have more than one option, you know?...

I dont know what other agencies are out there that offer training programs, I didnt even know Weber had a program... Well, lets just hope and pray God is good enough to me to help me get into Ruder Finn, because it seems I am running out of time.
And,I like your blog- we need more determained prospective PR practicioners to blog about what they think of the industry.

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