Back to New York

I've been in Jersey for the past couple of days catching up with old friends and considering my options for possibly making moves up this way. I can say that I'm a bit nervous about landing a good job here considering the harsh economic times but I am excited to go after the opportunity. On Friday, I attended a career development workshop hosted by THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION and Ruder Finn. The practitioners at Ruder Finn were helpful, and it was nice to meet the more people in the travel and economic development practice. This practice is one reason that I am attracted to Ruder Finn.

Walking around 5th Ave and looking at the scenery so characteristic of NYC made me feel at home. I hope there is an opportunity this way. Thinking about all of this makes me want to work even harder in school and not slack off. It is really good to be here. I fly to Charlotte and then drive back to Blacksburg tommorrow. I'm flying out tommorrow primarily because I don't want to be on the road during the Super Bowl. It will be nice. I put my money on the Steelers. I'm not much of a fan but if I have to go for someone, they will be it.

Oh here's something I can talk about: Super Bowl Commercials. My friends and I have come to the conclusion that for the past 3 years they have not been anything to look forward to. I do not remember a commercial that stood out to me. I'm still reminded of Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction and how blown out of proportion that was. Honestly, yes there are children watching but who honestly can prepare for that to happen. What gets me is that we can show her grinding up all on Justin Timberlake but as soon as a boob pops out its such a shock. I mean, yeah, a naked boob on prime time TV is a shock, but really we tolerate so much sexuality in a pop star's performance anyway. As if it hasn't gone far enough. I'm not saying that the naked boob was ok but I'm laughing at how blown out of proportion it was. Like really, no body planned that and no one would have suspected it.

I'll have plenty to talk about soon!!


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