The Agency Match Maker

What is worst: having power and not knowing how to use it; or not having power at all? Don't they both amount to the same thing: unused power? I think the first is worst because the person with power is crippled by the fact that they know what they have and can find no way to put it to use.

I'm experiencing yet another soul searching moment as I begin a career in PR. I don't want to sell myself short in any way but I can't help but admit to fear in applying for jobs. Just my luck the nation is experiencing economic challenges making it harder for people to find jobs and even harder for those with jobs to keep them. In light of all the news, I'm not afraid. I'm confident that my experiences demonstrate that I bring value to an organization. Still I'm struggling with the fact that after two internships and solid assistantship positions, which I have taken the lead in, I may have to start out as an intern. To be honest, I'm not thrilled about the fact that I may have to live in NYC or any far away city for months without a decent salary. This is hard because my first internship paid me enough that I could live on my own. So I believe my concern is understandable

Back to the topic of jobs, you would think that after being an intern twice and running academic programs that I would be ready to take on a position as an Account Executive. Maybe I am. Having not been in a full time position is a bit overwhelming because I do not have proof that I can do this PR thing. My frustration also comes from understanding the verbige that companies use to describe the tasks to be fulfilled. What I expect on my first job is the mentorship to guide me through what I need to know. This is no way indicates that I'm incompetent. I have an extensive background in managing events. I can interact with people of all ages and get assignments fulfilled. Managers praise my writing ability even though I think I need to grow so much. I like to think of business in terms of building relationships. I've always been the type of person who knows someone that does something that an organization may need. I wouldn't have been selected by THE LAGRANT FOUNDATION (TLF) if they did not see a commitment and ripe talent for the field.

So this Friday I have internship applications due for Weber Shandwick, Ogivly PR, and Ruder Finn. I've been focused on these companies because I met a few practitioners through TLF. Even though I desire full time work, I will start somewhere just in case. No I don't know everything about these global agencies and I can craft a statement about why each of them is a good fit. Overall, I want a place where I can grow, be mentored, and learn more about the field and where I fit in. Get back to me in a month and we will see how these connections faired.


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