My Brother's Keeper

About two nights ago I decided to leave my corner of campus and attend the Brotherhood Forum hosted by the Student African American Brotherhood and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Both are organizations that I have come to respect because of the quality of men that are produced within each collectivity; however I am not a part of either. I attended the forum last year and was very impressed. This year however, I had no intention of going. My plans changed because my previous dinner plans had gotten cancelled, and the food in my refrigerator was non existence. I figured I could at least go and get a good meal out of it.

I showed up half an hour late because, generally speaking some organizations have a reputation of not starting on time. I have pretty much adjusted to the culture. Any how, I arrived just in time greet a couple of colleagues and take a seat. I don't know what it is. No I don't know every black male student, faculty or affiliate of Tech. I also admit that lately my extroverted personality has been somewhat guarded so I'm less open to people. But it is something about chatting with the brothers that you do know. It is very refreshing to hang with people no affiliation necessary, and feel at home.

So just being there reminded my why I should have come out in the first place. Much respect to both organizations and I wish we could create a larger forum or campaign to really get the rest of the community involved but hey. I'm trying to craft an opinion piece to help publicize what took place, but right now my priority is well this blog since I'm doing it right now and a paper I should have been finished with.

On the discussion of brotherhood. My expectation of it is so high and I don't call everybody brother. Can brotherhood exist for men that do not know each other? I'm going to leave it at that for now.


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