Ramble On Playa

It's crazy how so much time has passed. I mean this comment in relations to dag near so many aspects of my life. Let me take a minute to talk about myself and my life rather than talk about mainstream issues. Speaking of mainstream issues America how do you feel that your President is black!!! I finally got a hold of the Kat William's DVD "It's Pimpin' Pimpin." The guy is vulgar as crap but the stuff he talks about is true. [I've come to learn that comedy is completely performance and that people don't honestly talk like that from day to day.] But back to Kat Williams, he was saying if we were going to vote for a black man--Obama was the cat to vote for. This is so true!! Finally an accurate representation of what a black man can be, what a black man is, and what black men should strive for. Let me get off my soap box. Kat was saying that our people need a minute to just be proud that we have a black president. If you look at all the past presidents and vice presidents they were all white. Can we get a second just to be proud that one of us is running things. I had to say it.

Time has passed and I haven't blogged about the new president. Well I did, but I got on a soap box and was talking too long. I'll post it. But let's look, it is December and the year has just slipped through my hands. The semester was here now it's gone. This is crazy. That's all I wanted to say. I think for me, it is a wake up call that time is ticking and I have to really be about mine. I really have to be about my goals because hey tommorrow is here and then it's gone.

It's Thanksgiving and I'm at home trying to get this paper done. I don't have much time to take my time but hey, Gordon M. Curry will get the job done and maintain the swag that is so unique to me. Catch me on the flip.


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