Historical Moment

I've been meaning to blog all day. So now as I look up articles for my Diversity Issues in Public Relations course, I've decided to take a break and speak. Barak Obama is our 44th President and I'm excited that it has finally happened. A black man has made it to the White House. Think about what this says about America's international reputation. Think about what this says about possibility in America. I have a few issues that I want to address: (1) the Christian population and (2) the reality.

My roomate and I, actually my roomate is looking at facebook profiles and notes about Obama being president. Apparently a lot of Christians are mad that Obama is President. Let's just say many of the profiles we have come across are appealing to the notion that God was on the side of McCain. Are you kidding me? Why does it have to be like that? This brings me to the question of whether or not churches should be political. Well its important for the church to be involved in political issues because they are designed to be important entities in the community. Wherever the people are, the political environment will impact them. So as individuals the church should encourage civic responsibility. Now when we get into what church supports what party, what messages go across the pulpit about who to vote for, then we are entering into risky territory.
I say it is risky territory because church leaders hold special influence in the lives of its people.
If a church leaders advocates for a specific side and does not provide proper guideance on how a person should base his or her decision then we have brain washing. We can't lead people to believe that their lives are a mess because of how they vote. What happens is that church leaders often serve as a quick short cut to decision making for people.

I believe in the validity of the word on hard matters. There is no question, but the discrepancy is that one of the reasons a church is political is because that church apparently is supporting an agenda. I'm not a political expert at all but people need to learn to make decisions for themselves. Christians, its ok to disagree. Just because another believer disagrees with you that doesn't mean that one or the other is on the side of the enemy. We can disagree. People disagree. Christians are people and no we are not always unified but we have to learn to come together on what matters. What matters is the good of our country and no one person determines how that is framed.

Then again we are trying to make social issues political. Abortion. No amount of political legislation is going to put an end to it. People believe what they believe. Even with a pro-life President in office the number of abortions continue to increase. I'm not saying there is no solution. I can agree with the cherishing of life but I can also support a candidate that votes pro-choice because he believes that there are other ways to solve the issue. Yes I hear myself speak--I think it time to move on.

Why are some clowns selling the New York Times on e-bay for close to $200. I know today was historic but DANG, not gonna happen. I will get a Roanoke Times shoot Collegiate Times for that matter and call it a day. Wait a minute the Collegiate times did not do a cover on our new President. I caught an e-mail protesting the Collegiate Times for not including an article on the election outcome, mind you many reports were done through the course of the election. I don't know what to say about that one. It doesn't make sense, but then again you have to look at who is in charge. I can't say too much because I could write for The Times and help change things, so when I think about this I see many different things going on.


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