Ramble On Playa
It's crazy how so much time has passed. I mean this comment in relations to dag near so many aspects of my life. Let me take a minute to talk about myself and my life rather than talk about mainstream issues. Speaking of mainstream issues America how do you feel that your President is black!!! I finally got a hold of the Kat William's DVD "It's Pimpin' Pimpin." The guy is vulgar as crap but the stuff he talks about is true. [I've come to learn that comedy is completely performance and that people don't honestly talk like that from day to day.] But back to Kat Williams, he was saying if we were going to vote for a black man--Obama was the cat to vote for. This is so true!! Finally an accurate representation of what a black man can be, what a black man is, and what black men should strive for. Let me get off my soap box. Kat was saying that our people need a minute to just be proud that we have a black president. If you look at all the past presidents an...