For some reason

For some reason I do not trust McCain. It's not a black and white thing but I can't help but to watch a debate and write him off. He seems to try so hard to knock Obama off his feet and make him look uncredible. He likes to point out things that Obama voted on that show him as being wishy washy. Thanks Obama for clarifying your stance. Then the DC voucher. McCain, please let it go. He just had to get the last word in. I do not trust McCain. So I'm big on education. McCain said to invest in programs like Teach for America. I agree. Allow kids to go to the school of their choice. I agree. Especially in the urban schools that are majority black and latino. They lack so many resources and have horrible teachers that could care less. I agree! One thing I'm not sure if McCain considered that urban youth have tried but parents that send their kids to the good schools don't want the kids from the ghetto going to their schools. So they make zoning and busing policies to keep these kids in the under performing school. That is just a nugget you should know.

I don't trust McCain. I'm probably going to get fussed out for this but many Christians historically support pro-life legistlation. The question I ask, is it that black and white? Does a candidate become less biblical if he or she is pro-choice? If a candidate expresses themself to be trust worthy and to see issues for the benefit of our country and he happens to be pro-choice is he any less Christian? Is that man for God or evil? Is it really that cut and dry. Christians know that God is a God of life. As you can tell I'm expressing my personal beliefs so if you are offended then this conversation is not for you but feel free to listen. As I was saying God is a God of life. John 10:10 he came so that we may have life and have it to the full. It was God that breathed life into man. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is life . . . (Romans 6:23) We see that God cherishes life. Many argue that abortion is in direct conflict with God's view of life. I agree, it is not in a person's hand to give or take life. That's why cloning is controversial. It's man trying to create life without the Creator being involved. Back to the matter at hand, God prefers life, abortion takes life. We can argue when does life begin but that's not my point. My point isn't about who is right or who is wrong because when people have opposing value systems they are judging each other based on those opposing value systems. If I value purity and you value promiscuity we can't have a conversation about commitment because we have opposing values when it comes to the subject. If you believe the Bible is the true word of God and someone else believes it is corrupt and a man made text, they can share their opinions but they can not come to a consensus because they have opposing values on what the Bible is. So the real question is why?

Why would someone choose to be pro-life or pro-choice? Why is McCain pro-life and what does that mean for him? Why is Obama pro-choice and what does that mean for him? The abortion debate is unwinnable but I think all the arguing doesn't get to the root of the issue which is unplanned pregnancy. How do you prevent that in our community. It has become so prevalent to where it is almost expected for a woman between 15-30 should have a child. What about rape cases or cases of incest? Can Christian faith minister to that situation. Definitely, I don't believe we have found the solution. Even with homosexuality. Biblically its an abomination but God tells us to love our neighbor. We can't make an issue that is inherently social a political one. I think that was the problem from jump. We as a people can't be the deciding factor in a person's fate. Yes things are getting out of hand but our government was not made to decide those things.

I've rambled on and gotten off topic but I can't help but to not trust McCain. We may share the same faith but the way we view social issues is completely fractured.


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