Made it to Atlantis

I actually made it to Atlantis last night. That mug is huge. I was walking forever, but it's got some pretty nice looking lounges and restaurants. Basically Atlantis is a hotel/theme park/mall. So everything that you would generally find in those places you can expect to get at Atlantis. I've got some video footage of The Dig, which is an aquarium that the have next to a lounge and restaurant.
We also went by Marina Village, which I wasn't too impressed with but it's worth a visit. Save up so you can visit Cafe Martinique at Marina Village. Hmm what else can I tell you about.
Mind you, we went there at night around 9:30. I wasn't expecting all that walking and I was hella tired. It's better to visit during the day but to see all the stuff near the water you may need a day pass, which will run you about 50 bucks. You'll get better photos in the day.


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