Last Day of Work in Nassau

I'm about to leave the office. I can't believe that my time went by so fast. I'm trying to remember that I am going to Ft. Lauderdale to finish out the internship, so even though I'm done here I'm not completely done. I've had a ball. I didn't wild out too much. I'm a mellow guy so it doesn't take much for me to have a good time with the people I'm with.

Today I had lunch with Clarence and the one and the only Tommy Thompson. He's a really important with the Ministry of Tourism. He's is really cool and down to earth. He's like one of those uncles that has all these stories about their life because he has been so many places. Lunch was cool. Looking back on everything, I only wish I had more time to get my hands dirty with some of the campaigns that will go under way once I leave. Everyone here has been a major help to me and overall this experience has helped me to think outside of the states for career opportunities. I really want to work in London. If I can do that for a few years, I wouldn't mind. Tommy really dispelled a lot of the negative info I originally heard. I can't wait to go there.

I definitely want to come back to Nassau and visit other Islands specifically Eleuthra and Exuma. MOT has offices all over the US and Europe. The thing about the US locations is that many of them are bringing their employees back to Nassau. If my salary was competitive then I'd definitely consider coming back. We'll see what's in store.


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