Happy Independence Day

I'm off work today because it is a Bahamian national holiday. Today they celebrate 35 years of Independence. I've talked a lot about what I've been doing and not much about why I'm here. I've posted mad pics and a few videos on my adventures but I have yet to talk about my job.

Let's see, I'm working with the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism interning in the Communications department. Mt office is located in downtown Nassau on George St, which is right off of Bay Street near the Staw Market,Diamonds International, and Little Switzerland. This may sound like a high profile job but if I show you the floor where my offices are you'd probably be wondering why my office is such a whole in the wall. I'm not complaining, since I have everything I need in there.

I come in the first day with my apprehensions because I was told that Bahamians are very conservative and don't like Jamaicans, which alluded to me cutting my dread locks. Let's clear that up. The older Bahamians were more likely to believe dread locks were in appropriate for business, but from my first few days there it's really not that serious. So--first day-- the first person I met my supervisor Clarence Rolle. He's the Communications manager for the PR division of MOT. For me it is always refreshing to see other black men that do communications work. He graduated from Clark Atlanta and started out doing sports communication. He's been with MOT for about 8 years, married with two kids one of which was born not too long ago. Real cool guy and very driven.

A few interesting things: apparently I was in the newspaper a few days before I came. When I introduced myself people would refer to the article. I caught hold of the article and there was my story right next to a spread on the new Minister of Tourism.

I go to what would be my desk, then we have a meeting about the Junkanoo Festival this saturday. Junkanoo is . . . junkanoo. Think of Mardi Gras parades. It's very similar but of course Bahamians have a certain way they party. So we went off to another building about a block away. Imagine over 20 people crammed in a conference room. Been there done that. I don't know if it was the department or what but I notice that in meetings its common for people to answer cell phones. I'm not saying this all across the board for Bahamians but for where I'm working its nothing to have a cell phone go off in a meeting and it be ok to answer it. I'm not crazy though, I met the senior leadership of MOT and I wouldn't answer a cell phone if I met with them.

I spent most of the day working on a press release for the Junkanoo Summer Festival. I had to make some calls and schedule some interviews with the people involved but that was the gist of my work the first day. As I was doing a phone interview, the Minister of Tourism walked in and shook my hand. I had read a story on his new appointment in a gossip paper and in he comes. I'm saying to myself he looks real familiar. He shook my hand and walked out, all the while i'm on the phone talking. Clarence comes in and tells me that was the Minister of Tourism. Then I'm thinking to myself, dang that is rude. I notice how things are really laid back it seems.

Today is going to be full of cookouts and other celebrations. I've posted some pics of me at the Tatoo Celebration reppin' my colors like I'm Bahamian. I didn't actually get a video of the Tatoo but you get a pretty good explanation of it. Also check out some of the junkanoo rushes I did catch. Enjoy!


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