Goodman's Bay and the Rest of My Day

As my stint in Nassau comes to a close I'm thinking of all the things that I haven't done while I've been here. No swimming with any dolphins, no scuba diving, no jet skiing, and to be honest I'm really not mad. I'm glad that i got the view of Nassau that I have been given. I did get a chance to go to Adelaide Beach my first day here and I just left Goodman's Bay over by Cable Beach a few hours ago.

Actually, I tried my way on the Bahamas transit system. First of all there is no schedule. All you know is that it runs from 8-7:30. For some buses its 8-6 p.m. There are no specified stops except for the 10 bus which runs downtown. You just yell out where you want the bus to stop. The people in Nassau have trouble with the bus. It's so unorganized!! I went to Goodman's Bay which is a beach right behind a park. Its across the street from Cable Beach golf course and near all the major resorts in Nassau. If u are ever here look for West Bay Street and you'll see it. So, basically I got on the bus back downtown to ride over to Millennium Gardens and you guessed it every other bus rolled by except the one I needed. It was about 7:30 and i just called for a ride.

I've been doing a bit of blogging trying to find out what the Bahamians are saying. I haven't found much related to travel yet. Matter fact the more I look into it, our particular section of the government is in such need of work. From a comm standpoint there isn't much research or evidence driving our campaign. We have some good ideas but what good is PR if our objectives aren't linked to the stakeholders we are serving. It jus seems to be us dishing out money because we want a new initiative. Then think about this, it cost more to travel between the Islands than it does to fly to the states and do something. I'm not generalizing but practically, if a Bahamian travels to another island it is for an event or because they have family there. We aren't building the campaign around events.

Then the economy. It just costs too much. Another thing I learned. Many of our packages include hotels that are foreign owned. One of our objectives as the MOT is to build up entreprenuership among Bahamian businesses. From my knowledge we don't really do that among the Bahamian owned hotels and restorts, which may be less expensive for our customers. Then we don't really point out activities that a Bahamian may enjoy. Many of the activities we tout appeal to people not from the Bahamas. Then there have been many issues with the airline service that travels between islands. Even MOT employees try to avoid using it. MOT employees aren't even excited about working on this. I know my supervisor and at least another person on the team isn't. So a lot can be improved for this business.


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