E. . . So Addictive/ PR & Diversity

This blogging thing is much easier than I thought. I just learned how to add videos and make a blog list. I think I am on my way. My flight to the Bahamas is one day away. I'm getting excited. My apartment is all packed up. I'm in Stafford, and I'm ready for the 4th of July festivities.

So you all can catch up and learn about the Lagrant Foundation, check out this video that they played at the awards reception. You can find it on my video bar. Also check out the Big Tent. As you can see I'm a big proponent for diversity in public relations. I don't know why. Maybe it is a combination of my passion for social causes and me wanting to see more people that look like me succeed. I want to see more people that look like me succeed in this field. It's more than just a black and white thing. Empirical research would show you how practitioners of color are few and far between. Things are getting better but for the trends in PR do not reflect back on to the industry. I can get into it all but as soon as I figure out how to put in a hyper link I will have to direct you to some posts later.

Oh, I just got an e-mail from one of the greatest men on earth. Dr. John C. Tedesco!!! This guy . . . has definitely looked out for me over the past two years. We was my research mentor the summer that I stayed in Blacksburg and did the McNair project. For those of you that don't know McNair is a federally funded program designed to mentor undergraduate students of color so that they earn a PhD and join the pipeline to increase faculty diversity. McNair is a whole other story. So back to Dr. T, I had him in undergrad for Comm Research. The man put me to sleep. I sucked so bad in that class. I ended up almost failing a project due to lack of time management. Now that I look back on the project that was probably the easiest project I could ever have and I sucked so bad. Then I had Dr. T for a class in PR Campaigns. That class is more up his alley. At least I can tell he likes teaching it more. But yeah, the man has definitely looked out.

So the e-mail. I'm doing this internship for credit. At least thats what I decided to help get this coursework out of the way. Maybe I've asked for more than what I bargained for because it seems to be asking for a lot. I still have to do a 25 page paper and presentation on it. DANG!!
I'm going to stop being lazy and do what it do.


Take care of yourself in the Bahamas, buddy! (Or get taken care of.)

I hope Dr. T is ready for campaigns this fall! We're gonna have a blast, I bet.

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