Back to work

I notice how my posts are so long. To spare those that aren't readers I will try my best to keep things short. I fly back into DC this Friday. As much as I do like working with the Tourists Office, I'm kind of glad to go home and be around familiar faces.

The one difference between the Nassau Office and the Plantation Office is that there are more departments in the Plantation Office. Put it this way, I'm getting more exposure to the various departments. In one week I've worked with vertical markets (boating,fishing, golfing) aviation markets, the film commission, communications, and strategic planning. I've been exposed to various projects such as our corporate partnership with the Miami Heat, BET's Gospel fest is looking to hold its next event in the Bahamas, STWA is also looking to host an event in the Bahamas. I sat in on another advertising sales call and today I get to chat with the guys from E-commerce. It has been well.

One thing I wish I took advantage of was the variety of the Tourist Office. I really didn't know or think to ask about the other areas and other departments that work in concert for MOT. I did walk away contributing to some cool projects. For the next intern they should in a sense go over what is available so that the intern has a better idea of how things work.

I'm late for a meeting so let me get out of here.


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