Adventures in Nassau

It's my third day at work and fourth day in Nassau. So far every night around 10 pm D'Nard, Aphanese, and I go to Paradise Island to pick up Kiver--remember he works at Atlantis. I've managed to wake up more and more tired than the night before. It's all good.

I'll do my best to give you a summary and bring you up to date. My second day I had breakfast with the lovely Ward sister's at Sailor's Choice. It's right off of E. Bay Street in downtown Nassau. Well first we stopped by Ms. Kay Ward's house to pick her and her daughter Brittany up. Then we went to Sailor's Choice. Breakfast was pretty good. I had stew fish and some bread that I forget the name. Ms. Pat's other sister Deloris joined us. Those women are hilarious. They remind me a lot of my mom's sisters. It's funny how they laugh and joke but there ends up being a message in what they say. We went from joking about how bad Deloris was growing up to the power that our words do have. Them mugs was preaching and I wasn't expecting that at all. That was my word for the day because I really did miss church. Another thing, I'm used to going to church at 12pm on Sunday afternoon. Call it crazy that's just how we do. So I'm spoiled because church here starts at 7am and 9am. So I definitely missed that. Oh well, breakfast was banging. At least mine was, Pat and Kay got some bad boil fish. They told me the one thing you don't do is send your food back. I wonder why.

I got invited to join the family to take a boat out to Andros Island on Saturday. Their family has roots on Andros. I'm looking forward to it, however, I'm supposed to be working the PR tent for the Junkanoo Festival on Saturday. Clarence my supervisor gave me off so that is all that matters. Well actually, I have a bit of a problem. I'm scheduled to fly out on next Saturday. This month there is a Junkanoo festival every Saturday that the MOT helps coordinate. With me missing this week's event because I'm going to Andros, and me flying out next Saturday that doesn't give me time to stay for the Junkanoo festival. Also D'Nard has his going away party that Saturday as well. I don't want to miss it. I'm thinking about arranging a later flight or just asking to stay in Nassau the whole month. It's really not that simple considering arrangements were made for me. We'll see. . .

Ok Sunday, what did I do? Oh yeah after breakfast we went to the market to go shopping. I'm going to say this. Americans we have to quit our whining. There are people in the world that have it worst than us. Gas in the Bahamas is close to $6 a gallon!!! Gas in the Bahamas is close to $6 a gallon!! Gas in the Bahamas is close to $6 a gallon. We went to the store and doggonitt a box of Smart Start cereal that I pay $2.98 at wal-mart, cost $6.15. A bottle of Ocean Spray cranberry juice that I pay $2.50 at most $3.00 costs $6.58. Yeah!!! half a pound of grapes costs $2.99. I think it's time for us to shut up. This economy is getting worst everywhere and some are getting hit harder than others with the rising prices of food.

I gotta head to a meeting about Domestic Tourism so I'll finish talking to you all later.


Valencia said…
$6 a gallon?!?!?! Maaaaaan.....I had no idea it was that expensive over there!

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