Exploits of a Virgin

As you can tell if you know my history that I've done it a few times. I'm finding my flow and i'm told you get better as you continue. I'm definitely not as experienced as the majority of people in my field. I'm referring to blogging. I'm new at blogging Yeah I did that on purpose. But anyway I'm in the process of creating a blog list. I'll figure that out. I'm kind of on a slow computer right now and so I really can't follow the youtube tutorial. As a matter of fact i'm listening to my boy Marlon sing Mariah Carey in the next room as I try to concentrate.

I realized that my flight to Nassau is on the July 5 and not the 7th. It's good that I'll be in Nassau longer than I expected. It sucks because a friend of mine had been talking about her birthday and I had hoped to get some people together for her. Since she flys in from ATL on the 6th I expected to get something going later that day. I'll make up for it later. Ahh it also sucks because I have less time to get things together. Not close to finish packing. I'm moving out of my apartment and into a new one.

In other news, another one of my buddies got married today. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Huffman. I will say that I never been to another wedding quite like this. It really reminded me of the you tube video I'm sure many people saw of the groom that got happy when the pastor announced them man and wife. Multiply that by 5 and you get an accurate description of what happened. I couldn't help but be shocked cuz I wasn't expecting such a level of praise. Marcus told me with his own lips that the Name of the Lord would be magnified. Can't knock him for that but it was defintiely a classic experience to say the least. You had to be there but if you weren't Gerard M. Hall and I will gladly give you a detailed and exaggerated description of the encounter. It was so classic that I pulled out my phone and got video coverage of the highlights. I apologize for the poor sound quality and the moving of the camera but if I couldn't take my eyes off what was going on. Congratulations Marcus and Kenya. I love you both.

Thesis: Let's be honest. I'm going to the Bahamas. I can't say that I will be doing much research or reading towards that. I'll try but I'm not promising much.

Graduate School: I can honestly say that my colleagues in the Comm department are good people. I'm so glad that it's not super competitive and that I have a group of people to go through this program together with. I was privileged to drop into the Weekly Surge and chat with Evo and Alex for a bit. Too bad I was late for work and tried to tie up other loose ends. Otherwise I would have stayed longer. Check out the Weekly Surge Thursdays from 9-noon!!

You all will be hearing from me on a daily basis once I get to Nassau. Even if it is just random posts during the day. Not too sure if i'll have a computer of my own. Oh, I didn't tell you. . . I have no computer. I'm hoping to use my scholarship money to purchase a new one. These days it's hard to be a PR major and not have a personal computer. Well this blog is hella long so I'm out.


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