Back for the Second Time

I'm sitting in a hotel room, actually the Hitlon NYC off of Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan. I believe that I have a great deal of explaining to do. For once I'm going to actually sit through and explain all that has been going on.

In March I received a call from foundation, that I had been selected to receive a $10,000 scholarship!! He said that they would fly me out to NYC for the awards ceremony and a professional development seminar. Well all of those things just happened a couple of hours ago.

I'm sitting in my hotel room reflecting on all that has happened today. It is amazing to have had this opportunity and more opportunities to come. I just came from the lobby. A little under a half hour ago I met with the president. So I met with him because he had some things to share with me about my internship overseas. Don't worry I will tell you about that in exactly . . . now. So after struggling to land an internship for the summer with a PR firm, I was about to give up on trying to do anything related to PR this summer. Well that was until I got a call from the program coordinator . She presented me with an opportunity to work with the overseas. Of course I was excited!!
Well I had been in touch with the president about this internship so when he asked to meet with me, of course I was ready to learn more.

To make a long story short he told me that the people where I'm going are very conservative. Not a problem, I'm a Christian and many may think that my lifestyle is conservative. Another thing I learned is that the people in the there do not get along with people from a neighboring country . It is so bad that people with dreads are heavily discriminated against. I may have misunderstood this but one person he sent down there had dreads and was mistreated by security. The pulled her out of the crowd and heavily searched her and even put the dogs on her.
O.K. as much as I do not want to cut my dreads, I will sacrifice it for the position. Wow, see how I sacrifice for an opportunity but very little do I sacrifice for God. Well moving on, he asked what I wanted to do in my career, and I said that I want to work with an agency. Basically what I interpreted was that I'll need to cut my hair because in white America that will not fly.

I'm so thrown by that. I'm blown away. All of the people and businesses that I got in touch with, and now you are telling me that I won't go far because of my hair. I don't have much of a problem cutting my hair, but dang that is crazy. That comment just makes me feel like I won't succeed. I believe that the people I have come into contact with that I had genuine conversation with them. I look forward to what options are available for me and things like that really make me feel like all of it is a lie. I did not have an issue with my hair working for Courtney and man it's a part of my character and appeal. Not just in the business community, in church, in outreach.

So in a way I gave you all an update on what has been presented to me thus far and just the little things that can throw me off. I'm going to keep moving and see what happens. Maybe I'll cut it. Maybe I won't have to. We'll see. Until next time. . . .


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